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Avoid meeting with a fraudster and save millions of dollars for your company
Avoid meeting with a fraudster and save millions of dollars for your compane
the profit
for banks
EPASS provides comprehensive and reliable information on borrowers, making it the go-to tool for banks to make informed lending decisions. With EPASS, banks can trust that their borrowers have a positive reputation and are less likely to default on their loans.
We provide highly valuable data regarding your potential borrower's business background via our EPASS Ranking our algorithm summarizes their credit history and criminal record.
the profit
for Companies
Each company has experienced the customer feedback’s power. Bad customer feedback regarding a product or service can significantly decrease sales and sometimes even bring the company to bankruptcy. Now try to imagine the potential benefits you will be provided with if your company is timely aware of all important data about potential clients before the transaction is completed.
Each company has experienced the customer feedback’s power. Bad customer feedback regarding a product or service can significantly decrease sales and sometimes even bring the company to bankruptcy
Now try to imagine the potential benefits you will be provided with if your company is timely aware of all important data about potential clients before the transaction is completed.
EPASS is striving to create a new world where an honest word is much more valuable than money.
the profit
for people
We are striving to make this world more honest and transparent. We are sure that honest and professional people while having got the other aspects equal, should be able to get the best service and terms!
Banks should give better conditions for loans.
Landlord does not have to take a deposit for an apartment
The employer should raise the salary or consider a promotion.
An insurance opportunity to offer the best conditions.
We Want To Make This World Fair And Transparent. We Provide The Opportunity To Receive The Best Services and The Best Conditions!
the profit
For Employers
Be sure to find out about proven, highly-qualified specialists with a positive reputation! EPASS can’t fully get rid of the world from crime, but we are striving to make fraud and theft unprofitable!
Two main existing services issues
second ISSUE
It is simple to cheat existing services.
Existing services are not able to fully protect the company from employee fraud.
The employee does not mention his past job
in his resume, which he had certain issues with.
The employee specifies his friends in recommendations, from his previous job, who have never interacted with him directly and are not aware of his professional skills.
Deceiving EPASS is not possible as all data undergoes thorough verification.
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Avoid meeting with a fraudster and save millions of dollars for your company
Avoid meeting with a fraudster and save millions of dollars for your compane